



We Are Green and Trembling by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara (New Directions / Harville Secker, forthcoming)

These Vast Territories by Simón López Trujillo (Algonquin Books, forthcoming)

A Father Is Born by Andrés Neuman (Open Letter Books, forthcoming)

The Summer of the Serpent by Cecilia Eudave (Soho Press, forthcoming)

Restoration by Ave Barrera, co-translated with Ellen Jones (Charco Press, forthcoming)

The Trees by Claudia Peña Claros (Relegation Books, 2024)

A Strange Adventure by Eva Forest (Sternberg Press, 2024)

Last Date in El Zapotal by Mateo García Elizondo (Charco Press, 2024)

The Visit by Mariana Graciano (Alliteration Publishing, 2023)

Free Radicals by Rosa Beltrán (Katakana Editores/Hablemos, Escritoras, 2023)

In Vitro by Isabel Zapata (Coffee House Press, 2023)

Bariloche by Andrés Neuman (Open Letter Books, 2023)

Salt Crystals by Cristina Bendek (Charco Press, 2022)

The Forgery by Ave Barrera, co-translated with Ellen Jones (Charco Press, 2022)

Tonight: TheGreat Earthquake by Leonardo Teja (PANK Books, 2022)

The Book of Explanations by Tedi López Mills (Deep Vellum Publishing, 2022)

The Animal Days by Keila Vall de la Ville (Katakana Editores, 2021)

The Restless Dead by Cristina Rivera Garza (Vanderbilt University Press, 2020)

Cars on Fire by Mónica Ramón Ríos (Open Letter Books, 2020)

Animals at the End of the World by Gloria Susana Esquivel (University of Texas Press, 2020)



The Brush by Eliana Hernández Pachón (Archipelago Books, 2024)

What Comes Back by Javier Peñalosa M. (Copper Canyon Press, 2024)

A Whale Is a Country by Isabel Zapata (Fonograf Editions, 2024)

I Don't Believe in Poetry by Legna Rodríguez Iglesias (Alliteration Publishing, 2024)

Intact by Claudia Masin (FlowerSong Press, 2024)

Love Training by Andrés Neuman (Deep Vellum Publishing, 2023)

The Law of Conservation by Mariana Spada (Deep Vellum Publishing, 2023)

3 by Carlos Soto Román, co-translated with Alexis Almeida, Daniel Beauregard, Daniel Borzutzky, Whitney DeVos, Jèssica Pujol Duran, and Patrick Greaney (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2023)

An Imperfect Geometry by Elisa Díaz Castelo (Alliteration Publishing, 2023)

The Dream of Every Cell by Maricela Guerrero (Cardboard House Press, 2022)

Copy by Dolores Dorantes (Wave Books, 2022)

in spite of ourselves by Tatiana Lipkes (Juan of the Thing, 2022)

The Science of Departures by Adalber Salas Hernández (Kenning Editions, 2021), longlisted for the 2022 National Translation Award

23 Shots by Adalber Salas Hernández (Dcir Ediciones, 2021)

Another Life by Daniel Lipara (Eulalia Books, 2021), longlisted for the 2022 National Translation Award

Caustics by Salo Mochon (Editorial Argonáutica, 2021)

The River by Dolores Dorantes (Gato Negro Ediciones, 2018)

Lyric Poetry Is Dead by Ezequiel Zaidenwerg (Cardboard House Press, 2018)

Someone Lived Here by Aurelia Cortés Peyrón (Editorial Argonáutica, 2018)



"The Battle for Love" by Camila Fabbri in the Los Angeles Review of Books

"Unspeakable Fermentations: Putrefaction and Social Revolt in Paris and Mexico City" by Diego Rodríguez Landeros in Words Without Borders

"Movie Marathon" by Ave Barrera in the Southwest Review

"Outside Music" by Hernán Bravo Varela in Words Without Borders

"Romania, Mexicalli" by Diego Rodríguez Landeros in The Baffler

"Ropes" by Claudia Peña Claros in Latin American Literature Today

"The Common Good" by Sara Cordón in Words Without Borders

"Capsule" by Mateo García Elizondo in Granta 155: Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists 2

"Letter from Texas" by Wendy Selene Pérez in The Baffler

"All That Man Is" by Ezequiel Zaidenwerg in The Baffler

"A Modest Proposal to Save the World" by Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil in Rest of World

"And Make It Last, And Give It Space" by Isabel Zapata in World Literature Today

Essays by Cristina Rivera Garza

  • "Exophonic Alphabets" in the Harvard Review
  • "Disappropriation for Beginners" in Manifold

Fiction by Mónica Ramón Ríos

  • "Cars on Fire" in Literary Hub
  • "Extermination" in Black Warrior Review
  • "Dead Men Don't Rape" in Tupelo Quarterly

"Traces of a Forest" by Olivia Teroba in Literal

"The Lesson" by Efrén Ordóñez in Action, Spectacle

"Julián del Casal" by José Lezama Lima in Small Axe

"Mangos in Paradise" by Milena Solot in *Two Lines *

"Exhumation" by Diana del Ángel in the Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly Journal


Poems by Claudia Masin

Poems by Isabel Zapata (excerpts from A Whale Is a Country)

Poems by Adalber Salas Hernández (excerpts from The Science of Departures)

Poems by Maricela Guerrero (excerpts from The Dream of Every Cell)

Poems by Mariana Spada (excerpts from The Law of Conservation)

  • "Theodicy", "Ferreri Livestock", "The First Shot", "Archimedes' Principle", "There Were Plans to Take the Train All the Way to La Plata", and "Or Like a Knife", and "My Gender Did This to Me" in Poetry Northwest
  • "Post-Op" in Words Without Borders

Poems by Javier Peñalosa

Poems by Alejandro Crotto

Poems by Daniel Lipara

Poems by Susana Villalba